Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Del Sol Lagoon Day

June 7th was our big Del Sol Lagoon Day. We started the day off with a nice lunch and raffle (which of course we didn't win anything) and then we headed over to the rides ... the kid's rides that is. We spent the rest of the day waiting in line to go on the boats, the airplanes, the "Nemos" etc. We had so much fun!

Going for a ride on the Train. The kids loved seeing all the animals.

The cars were their favorite ride of the day. Each time they went on the ride we had to pull them out of the car and drag them to another ride.

Waiting in a long line to go on one of the kid's rides.

Here's the kids riding the airplanes. Don't you just love Carter's aviator sunglasses!

Brock and Carter were so excited to ride the boats, but they each wanted to be in a different color of boat. To this day, they remember what color of boat they rode in.