Friday, October 17, 2008

Finally a Trip to Rexburg!

Aaron went out of town for a couple of days so I decided it was time to take a trip up to Rexburg with the kids. Grandpa Brad was so nice to take the bus down to the airport so that he could drive back up with us. It was so nice to be home! Grandma and Grandpa have a so many new things for the kids to do, so we played hard every day. I had the camera out as often as I could to capture our fun times. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa and Kyle for being so patient and accommodating. We love you!

One of the boys' favorite things to do was ride the tractor with Grandma and Grandpa! We probably could have mowed the lawn 3 or 4 times! Aubrey didn't even care to try it.

We turned the hot tub temperature down so the kids could go swimming in it. Brock loved it! The other two stayed in for a while but didn't care for it too much. I have a darling picture of Brock swimming with Grandma Laurie, but she threatened me if I posted it!

Carter and Grandma gathering up the potatoes that were dropped in the field across the street. Do you know how expensive potatoes are these days?!? It's outrageous!

My favorite picture! We were up there during spud harvest, so the kids could watch the potato trucks all day outside our front door!

The kids got to spend some good quality time with Grandpa Brad. Carter loved riding the pink bike around the driveway with Grandpa!

They also got to help him build the new Power Wheel and use all his tools (even his drill). They were super helpful! :-)

They loved driving the car! It went really fast!

Grandma and Grandpa Walker came up one afternoon to see us! We don't get to see them too often so it was fun spending some quality time with them!

I could just kick myself for not buying a tee ball set this summer! The kids played with that more than anything else! By the time we left, they were all really good at it!

We also went to McDonalds, played at the park, jumped on the trampoline, played on the swing set, made and ate sugar cookies, fed some bunnies, and climbed on an air mattress. The kids didn't get a nap for three days in a row! We were all pretty tired when we got home but it was totally worth it!


Melanie said...

Fun update, Missy. Visiting grandparents is the best and it looks like you guys had a blast. My boys would have loved to watch the spud harvest! Your parents are such fun grandparents!

K. Lou said...

How fun! I bet your mom and dad had such a good time being with their cute grandkids! Your mom's flowers out her front door are so beautiful! I'm so glad you could get away and have some quality help and a fun time!

camille said...

OK, I'm officially jealous and homesick! I have to have a copy of the boys out the front door. That is awesome.


Katelyn wanted to contribute to my comment!

melanee said...

These pictures are so cute! And your parents are so awesome, they make the cutest grandparents. Sure love our family!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous you got such darling photos with Grandma and Grandpa Walker. Your kids are getting so big...We better hook up with each other this hristmas, we will be in Utah for 2 weeks!

Heidi Henderson said...

Fun trip! Hey... if you ever need to go when Aaron is gone, I'm happy to come along and help! heck, I'm the single girl who needs a life! It would be good to get me out! :) Just offering if you need it.