Monday, July 28, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Babes

So Aubrey and I were singing "I am a Child of God" yesterday and for the first time I noticed she was singing "has given me an earthly home, with parents kind OF dear". KIND OF! I'm not sure if she has been singing it that way all along, or if that's just how she was feeling at the moment. She wasn't very happy about me curling her hair, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what she really meant!


Ally said...

Now that is sweet! I can't believe you found time to curl her hair. I nominate you for Mother of the Year!!

Robert, Jeana, and Brooke said...

I second the nomination! You are AMAZING!!!

camille said...

Too cute! I love the picture at the top too!

Jaime said...

That is so cute! How is Tanner doing? We need an update!

Stephanie said...

She is seriously so cute! What a darling smile!